<<<This is a poster for Children in Need. The things i think are good about it is that there is a lot of colour used and it is very eye catching. It has the Children in Need logo at the top and it is very clear to see. I think that this poster will appeal mostly to children because it has all the children's TV characters on there all together. I also like that they have used the same idea of the Beatles album but instead they have linked it in with Children in Need and all the children's characters. I think the poster makes you feel happy because of the use of colour and all the characters are happy.

<<<This is an advert for the RSPCA. I think it is good because it gets the point across that animals still get beaten up or left by themselves as well as children. The advert shows you an abandoned cat left by its owner, it makes you think that there are lots more animals like this and that the RSPCA could help abandoned animals if we donate money or things to the charity shops.

<<<This is the Child line poster. I think the writing they have put on the poster is really good because it says `its your music, its your clothes, its your friends......` which is more direct with the audience and it is saying that it is your body and life so you should be in charge of that and not be forced by other people. Also it makes you feel more good about yourself and that you can call child line if you feel you need to.
I like the way you compare and contrast the different styles of 4 very well known charities and their tactics. You analyse the layout etc (developing your work from before) and comment on the effect. You understand the nature and purpose of the campaign and give a range of examples with these choices.