Today we went to Florida shoe factory in Norwich. The shoes they make there are aimed for 45+ year olds which is around our mothers and grandmothers age. A man called David who is a importer (sources materials) took us into this room and told us what we would be doing today.
The company produce around 17 million shoes a year. They don't just make shoes they also make handbags aswell that match with the shoes.
We first got spilt into two groups. My group went and had a talk with this man called Husein who is a designer of shoes, he told us about the different steps of creating and designing a shoe. He told us all the different steps you have to go through to start to design a shoe. He also said this would be a good job for us if we like to design and he said he choose this job because he loves designing things and also likes travelling around the world. In this job you do travelling because you have to go to other countries to get ideas for shoes and to collect different materials to make the shoe. To start to design a shoe they have to collect magazines which forecast the trends and get ideas from the magazines and trade fashion shows. They also have a book called a `pantone` book which have all the different colours and materials in.

We then swapped over with the other group and got a talk by a man called Justin. We found out how the shoe is made into the template and how it is transferred onto the computer. We then got a tour round the factory there and found out how the shoe is made and what process they go through making the actual shoe. We all got a paper cut out of part of a shoe, a piece of material and a leaflet. Also we were told that they always make a four and a half size shoe first.
The Design Process:
- First you get some `Insight` magazines forecasting the trends.
- Also get ideas from trade fashion shows.
- Then you make a theme board (all one colour or pattern).
- Then you have to start sketching ideas.
- After you have found the design you want You need to draw it out (add specific size,measurements).
- You then draw the design onto a plastic VAC adding all the labels such as size, Measurements and materials needed.
- Then scan the design onto a computer (using computer aided design).
- Then the computer sends the design to the cutting machine which then cuts out all the parts of the shoe in paper.
- The cut out paper shapes for the shoe is then given to the man who then cuts the same shapes out of material they want to make the shoe out of. ( he is called a `clicker`).
- Then all the parts of the shoe is stuck together using different machines.
- Then they use the bottom rougher on the sole and attach it to the shoe.
- They then use heat to add a heal onto the shoe.
- Then the ladies burned all the untidy fibres of the shoe and cleaned the shoe using different types of equipment.
- Then the ladies attach the soft lining inside the shoe.

The shoe boxes they use to put the shoes in are sent flat packed over from china to the Norwich prison then the people in prison put the boxes together.
The women in the factory do the small jobs like sowing and adding patterns. The men use the big machinery.
At the end we got to go into this room were this women is in charge of water proofing shoes. This company are the only company that have the special equipment to do this. They put the shoes into this container to dry and then they go into this machine which applies ion-mask to the whole shoe. This is done after the whole shoe is made. The water proofing adds £5 to the total price of the shoe.
ion-mask is a new revolutionary technology that only this company have, it creates shoes that are hydrophobic or 'water hating'. This has numerous benefits for the wearer of the shoe including: Today we got given a lot of useful information about the business and how to make shoes. It was useful because it gave me ideas for how we could edit our shoes and what different materials there are we can use. It showed us what the business was like so if we wanted to work there when we are older then we know now what we will be doing or what we can do.
Applying Ion-Mask to the shoe means:
- Your feet stay drier
- Your shoes stay looking great for longer
- Dirt and water are repelled by ion-mask™, to reduce staining or marking
- Colour fading is reduced.